Saturday, May 30, 2015

Prophecies Fulfilled

Light seeps through the cracks of our existence
Faint promises of a brighter tomorrow.
Vultures circle above, announcing another imminent death
The stench of carrion so thick that you can taste it.
Down the street a woman sobs, a rotting carcass cradled in her arms
So this is the end.
The door closing upon the humanity of the Earth.
And those that are elsewhere,
How do they fare, I wonder?
Are they lost in despair? Crying in fear? Or do they know?
And if so, do they care?
Another tower crumbles down
As another city burns to the ground.
The skies fill with ash,
Which was once perhaps flesh?
Through the haze there is a shadow
Of the one who is not there. 
A joyful laugh, mirthful delight as he revels in our despair.
To the end of time we followed, to the end of a time we caused.
This was the prophecy, we remembered with a pause.
The wheels have set in motion, the end of time draws near,
Basking in the blood bath we surrender all we’ve feared.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

No Title

You are such funny things dancing on your puppet strings.




                -Betray- …

The ones who would dare to own themselves-





Conversations Best Kept Secret

(I'm pretty sure that this was never meant to see the light of day, mainly due to the fact that I had hidden it from myself.)

What will you do, who will you turn to for salvation?

I turn inside, to the chaos and craze, the bindings and chains; I will be my own salvation. The choice I made then, I make all over again.

The battles and blood? The fires and floods? You would start it all again, even knowing how it ends?

The story goes on, the book has not ended. Those whose choice you would steal must be defended. It is not for you to govern existence. Worlds have died, yes and many to come, even your own now sits in tattered rubble. Who are you, who couldn’t govern themselves, to dictate the choices of everyone else?

You courted with dark. You chose blood and blade. You’ve populated hells, all custom made…

I’m aware of my actions, I’m aware of your lies. Self-righteous indignation, you are all to be despised.   

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ode to Coffee

Hello Coffee;
I wonder, do you know? 

The lives that you save daily-
Sometimes several in a row!

Hello Coffee, can you see?
The things that stay unbroken because you’re here with me. 

Coffee, you are awesome!
No matter hot or cold-

Coffee how I love thee, 
And your cup I’ll always hold.


When was the last time you played in the rain?

Jumped into puddles, forgetting your pains?

When was the last time you let your joy shine?

Played like a child and lost track of time?

When was the last time you played hide and seek?

Jumped off a swing or fished in a creek?

When was the last time you danced on a whim? 

Where is the spirit that once was within?

-When All is Said and Done-

Who will be the victor in this bitter game we play?
Both sides fight while blinded, no matter what they say.

 Blind to those that suffer, Ignoring all their pain.
Those ones hardly matter-Just more fuel for the flames.

Judgment, condemnation- you will do as we say.
The words you speak, the thoughts you think,

 You’ll live by our design.

The light is blinding, is it not?
But is the dark much better?

It whispers to give in, to do what you desire-
Have no fear on consequence- Deal with that tomorrow. 

When all is said and done, No one really wins.
Time to hit the reset button, Let existence start again.